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Home of Bald Head Bushidog
Samaurai Living in a canine world
More Rhyme.
Less wasting time.
Bald Head Bu
Telling you,
More play, less "do".
"Do, Do, Do"
causes more boo- hoo.
Just bail.
Stop chasing your tail.
More people have died of stress,
from "Success".
Get out of that mess.
Think small, not big.
No more lipstick on the pig.
Dance a jig.
Life may be cherries;
Eat the fig.
Sleep like a dog?
after this whole Life slog,
what's wrong with that?
It's better than the nervous cat.
What's the use of fretting.
You could be bed- getting.
In a quiet, serene setting.
Aren't you sick,
of politics;
and corporate pricks,
Who're taking this world down.
Burning it to the ground.
You won't know,
if you're sleeping sound.
Just surrender.
Set your Sleep member.
Let others harry and huff.
Let others go through the rough.
Just say, "enough!"
Go deep,
into the wonder of sleep.
Like Fido counting sheep.
Dashboard Jesus
Springloaded for action
with dashboard traction.
Not affiliated with any faction.
An established brand.
And just offhand,
who better to give advice,
than the Savior of Man?
(What would Dashboard Jesus do?)
Why is Success,
so much stress?
Nobody says it's easiness.
It's about sacrifice.
Paying a price.
Doing things not so nice.
But Jesus just walked around.
Town to town.
Slept on the ground.
He hung out with the poor and maimed.
He didn't seem ashamed.
He made it cool,
to ride on a mule.
You don't need to dread,
if you can turn fish and bread,
to feed 1000s per head.
And why pay to dine?
Turn water to wine.
Of course, on the other side,
the people you defied,
can get you crucified.
But other than that hitch,
it's a bitch,
getting to rich.
Sometimes it's better utility,
to avoid that futility,
and just stay ordinary,
with humility.
I made six figures,
and rest assured.
All problems would be cured.
5 bedroom- 3 car.
Downstairs bar.
Boy, you'll go far.
And this was it.
The top of the tit.
I felt like shit.
This was "happy",
and I felt crappy.
My energy sappy.
Grind all day,
for bills to pay,
to live this way.
You never know what you make.
You never get to take a break.
The illusion's all fake.
And then I lost the money source,
over the course,
of a divorce.
And from superstar,
to living out of my car.
Several rungs down from par.
The illusion of Success,
is a bunch of stress.
For all that mess.
At the core,
this getting more,
to avoid being poor.
What's it all for?
As Dashboard Jesus said,
"The price you pay for getting ahead,
always ends up in the red,
If the outside eats,
but your Soul's not fed.
Businessman Jesus
The Savior of all mankind,
was also a brilliant business Mind.
He built a startup from only 12,
to a media empire of self-help.
He kept overhead low,
crashing for free wherever he’d go.
He’d get people to express their feelings.
And miracle healing.
Casting out swine.
Changing water into wine.
And what better PR wish,
than feeding 1000s with bread and fish.
He defied Pharisee Law,
So he was a Great concert draw.
The Sermon on the Mount alone,
Did better than the RollingStones.
And then he did the thing most boss—
dying on the cross.
And in the next breath--
transcended death!
And to make sure mankind would never forget,
He’s got the #1 all- timebestseller yet.What's wrong with our Lives?
We live in hives.
Spiritually deprived.
We need art.
We need heart.
Much more than the grocery cart,
at Walmart.
Too much kvetch.
Stop and sketch.
Tap your inner Beauty itch.
Rhymin' Biggy
Train your brain
to entertain.
Hip hop,
non- stop.
Live to pop.
Going around,
finding new ground,
out on the town.
Follow me,
and my brother MLB.
See what we see,
in Rhymerey.
Biggy on a Piggy
What dat about?
No doubt.
On a pig snout.
Just park it,
outside Pike Fish Market.
Everybody says "gotta go, y'all".
It's just a big outdoor mall.
Everywhere there's stalls.
I liked best the Chinese meatballs.
And smellin' the sea,
along with some pee.
Ain't nothin' for free.
And not to prattle;
Pork's better than cattle,
in Seattle.
Bert Mooney Airport
you're afraid the runway's short.
You want to yell, "abort!"
You're in a plane so small,
there's no luggage stalls.
You pick up your pack,
on a rack,
on the tarmac.
Situated in Butte.
Good for hunt and shoot.
Your feet grow cowboy boots.
Lots of Mother Nature.
You've landed in a cow pasture.
Yes, it's in the sticks.
It's the size of a Motel 6.
One TSA only.
And they look Lonely.
You breathe the Montana air.
You watch the cows just stare.
You wonder what you're doing there.
Then you realize the correction.
You just missed your connection.
how do people Live here?
It's for Santa's reindeer.
Moose look at you queer.
One main road through the state.
One rock slide is a 3 week wait.
Flying into Juneau's a straight drop.
Your heart stops.
You're scraping treetops.
Single engine planes,
land on glacier terrains.
With Jurassic Park dino remains.
Earthquakes moved Anchorage 100 feet.
They just moved the county seat.
Ferries take you to islands around there,
and don't pick you up for months or years.
Lewis and Clark,
came and saw the Land stark,
and left before anyone could debark.
Alaska cold makes you numb.
Creatures look at you like tasty crumbs.
Humans are definitely NOT welcome.
Brian Kamei
Mexi- Jap from East L.A.
Came out Hollywood way.
An Asian man;
after Bruce Lee and Jacky Chan.
He paid his dues.
When Asian was just--
sushi and kung- fu.
He trailblazed,
for Asians now rich & crazed.
Now Asians on the rise.
We're Whites with slant eyes.
But in the day,
Those like Brian K,
paved the way;
to drive Asians forward.
Where's his Academy Award?
Blanche Dubois in Butte
Korean BBQ Joy!
Bigg on the Town
Yang Chow
3 Bears Alaska
Land colder than Nebraska.
It's the perfect place,
for the end of the human race.
When it all goes to shits,
and apocalypse hits.
They got camouflage,
for when you need to get out of Dodge.
They got bullets and guns,
and food by the ton.
And tents and bear spray.
They even have hay.
While civilization goes to the wayside,
you'll keep your bunker supplied.
And that's the way it goes.
Why save only the tech bros?
Us regular folk,
should be in on the joke,
when the world goes up in smoke.
And 3 Bears is at the top,
when the cork pops,
and us deplorables need a place to shop.
Cousins, The Dalles
After the run,
through Eastern Washington.
Sagebrush and nothing none.
Even lizards are well done.
It's so dry,
you can order stir fry,
when things die.
Then you enter Oregon.
Where rivers run.
Where greenery thrives.
And people are actually alive.
And you come to the Cousins Hotel.
Just outside of hell.
And the water smell;
Wow! You dance a jig.
The Dalles-- capital of the Pig.
There's a pig at the center,
of the restaurant when you enter.
It doesn't matter if the food is good.
You could be eating wood.
It's still better than sagebrush,
and roadkill crush,
where folks walk around like they've been stunned,
with a cattle gun,
in Eastern Washington.
Thank God for America,
Land of the Free.
Where if you use your gas economically,
you can get to something better to see,
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